Salt Water Tropical Fishing in a Perfect Barrel

A Short Stand by

Flipping a short cast of mo in excess of 20 feet or somewhere in the vicinity, my cut-trap tipped lead-head dance sank flawlessly for a couple of moments before a fish got it. On light tackle I snickered and "played" with the dish estimated occupant of the not a little before at long last flipping the multi-toned trigger fish over the boat's gunnels.

"Man that was speedy" my nearby aide joked.

"Nothing here, huh?" I prodded as this time my pole unexpectedly banged the gunnels, snapped pointedly downwards by a conspicuous companion or relative of the main fish.

"What's That?"

I was the person who had demanded a concise stop at this site. We'd been motoring north along the Pacific bank of Colombia's Choco area. The natural fishing town of Jurubida, where we were based, lay nearly 45 minutes behind us when I'd recognized an unblemished sight. It was right there; a two-meter wide new water stream streaming north of a five meter high stone face prior to plunging into the purplish blue ocean. Encircled by emerald-green equatorial jungle, the shining "chorro" was arranged in a little bay only noticeable from the little boat traffic direct we ran toward the north in.

"What's that?" I'd asked, pointing landwards the minuscule looking cascade.

"Simply some little stream of downpour water, I think" my aide answered without shine.

"Pull around there and let me investigate."

"Why?" His reaction arrived in an additional doodads tone as he swung the 16-foot hand-made wooden send off to starboard.

A More critical Look

Very close it was considerably prettier. The saline pool into which the deluge plunged was a reasonable dim blue Colombia LGBT. This was a decent sign that it was something like 20 to 25 feet or more top to bottom.

"This seems to be a decent spot for some panfish" I converted into all that could be expected.

"Here?" My aide was astounded. "I don't believe there's anything here" he proceeded.

I requested to "test" the spot for 15 minutes or something like that. On the off chance that there was no activity, we'd continue on and I'd have at any rate a few recollections of a wonderful spot along the waterfront tropical jungle.

My Dependable Aide Was Off-base

In a steady progression they came into the boat. All dish estimated, however appealing and one of a kind in their shapes and colorings; Comedian fish, Parrot fish, Trigger fish, spots, stripes and splendid red fish with brilliant child blue eyes.

Indeed, even my dependable aide took a stab at snaring a couple, giggling with please practically the entire time. We sent anchor and continued our journey toward the north after about an hour or something like that. However, that spot was about the nearest I've at any point come to getting fish in a barrel. What's more, man let me tell you, it sure was loads of tomfoolery.