What do you want after the COVID-19 period?

We live in another time. Who would have predicted that we would have a global pandemic that would lead to so many lost lives, lost jobs and the burden of staying at home. Also, having a face mask. But this is our new reality. As the world opens up, what will be new? Most people use phones and most companies do everything. It makes you think about life before Corona. Before the Corona period, many people said that they did not have time to go out. They don't have time to do what they want to do. One of those problems is time. Now that we are at home, many people have the time they said they didn't have. Although this is a difficult time for everyone, it can be used for self-reflection. I lost my aunt who was only 40 just before her birthday in February. She looked like my sister when we were growing up. He called me his bodyguard. Dealing with loss and grief at a time like this is heartbreaking and difficult. However, I asked my aunt for encouragement and chose to use the pain for a greater purpose and honor her by not giving up on my goals and dreams. So it's a daily routine. Grief is a process. As I think about our new reality with my fellow Queens, I wonder how many of us are using this time to do some of the things we put on the back burner. These can be as simple as painting, drawing, gardening, adult coloring. I understand that this is a difficult time for all of us. However, how do you get out of this? What will be different? I have heard people say that there is nothing wrong with it. I'm fine with that and you have to have time for yourself. You should have compassion for yourself during these times. It is difficult for everyone. However, I don't believe that anyone is doing anything at all every day these days for the next year or maybe even two years as the world tries to move forward. That's not something I would tell my daughters KN95 mask. It is this dysfunction or dysfunction that can lead to negative thoughts and/or depression. Also, nothing can change in your life if you do absolutely nothing. I have days where I have no motivation and just relax on the couch. Yes, I am human too, just like you. But I also know that my dreams and goals need me. Faith without works is dead. Therefore, no matter what happened, I will pull myself together. Even before COVID-19, women always put their needs on the list. Women do a lot for others before they think about themselves. This is how society has positioned women; Donors, caretakers, breeders have ideas and everyone comes before you. This last part is not true. Not everyone comes before you. No wonder so many women are dissatisfied, unhappy, in bad relationships, settling, etc. So now that we're forced to stay at home, a lot of "time" has opened up for most of us, let's be honest. We can choose to do the same thing and still get the same thing or we can choose to do something different. What will be your Corona story? I suggest you take this time to pull yourself together ladies. Put your needs and wants first at this time. Put yourself first. Take the first step. Your goals are important, your dreams are important, your happiness is important, you are important. This world would not be the same without women. Therefore, the world would not be the same without you. As you take the time to reflect on your life pre-Corona and where you want to be post-Corona (which may be a year or two away), here are some things to think about:

Clarity. Do you know what you want? I hope you have or take some of this time off to reflect on your true desires. I advise you to write it. Only 5% of the population have their goals written down, and 5% achieve more than the other 95% combined. Are you happy with your life? If not, what does happiness look like to you? What is your career goal? Do you have a connection you've been waiting for? Whatever you want, you deserve it. It's not what someone else tells you you want, but what you really want. It's hard for God or your higher power (whatever you call that source) to help you if you don't know what you want and you're living a meaningless life. Consider GPS systems. You have to type in the address and it will take you to your destination. You need to know where you want to go, so be clear about what you want.

Forgiveness. We all find excuses. And I did them. Not for perf